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About Mukto


Mukto is a Dutch-born self-taught artist who developed the ability to tune in and simply become a medium for the universal healing vibrations, to be translated into color and form, as expressed in her mandala art.
Since 1978 she has been drawing forms and colors in a circle, the mandala. At that time not always being aware of the significance of the circle. She just enjoyed drawing. Always starting with the circle and from the center outward, nothing especially in mind, whatever line, color appeared.
Some times images will form, continuously changing until the very last moment of completing the drawing, originally using her first love, pastel pencils and oil crayons. In the late 80's she found her medium in the finer colored pencils, which she still uses today.
Her hand-drawn mandalas are geometrical or free flowing and reflect the years of meditation as a disciple of Osho.
"Drawing a mandala is a beautiful journey and meditation. Inner exploration and meditation over the past years have deepened this experience "
She worked for 30 years as a registered nurse in The Netherlands and has an extensive background in the field of natural healing.
Mukto is a Reiki Master and Teacher in the Usui System of Natural Healing, an Aura-Soma ® Practitioner, a National and State Licensed Massage Therapist, and works with the Bach® Flower Essences.
She has her holistic practice and art studio in Sedona, Arizona, USA.
Sedona Visual Artists Coalition Annual Fall Show
2015  Blue
2014  Who am I?
2013  Shadows.... A Mystery in Art
2012  Free for All ....An Adventure In Creativity
2011  The Illusion of Reality
2010  Pathways... a Visual Journey
2009  Beneath the Surface
2008  Unbounded
Sedona Open Studios
Private collections in the USA, Canada, Australia, Belgium, The Netherlands